Fri, 07/31/2009 - 13:18 — admin

The Torre de Mejanell  is located in the area of la Segarra a few  km. from Manresa and very close to Cervera. It is near the Eix Transversal (C-25) leave at the Sant Ramon exit. See the map.

1:30h. from Andorra
1h. from the ski resort in Port del Comte
1h. from the beaches in Tarragona.
1h. from Barcelona.
45m. from Lleida
25m. from Manresa
20m. from Igualada

Type Torre de mejanell in google maps

GPS: E 365545.82, N 4620814.74 (ED50 UTM 31N)
Longitud: 1º 22' 56.34'' Latitud: 41º 43' 33.32'' (ETRS89 Geodésicas)

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